JOIN US - Become A FRIEND of the Pacific Electric Trail
*Your membership is Tax Deductible.
How can I share the news?
Follow us on Twitter @FPetrail and Like our page on Facebook "FriendsOfThePETrail"
Tweet/post and tag your friends who use the trail and want to support your community recreational trail. You can use the sample text below"
"Join me in becoming a Founding Member of the Friends of the Pacific Electric Trail Follow .@FPtrail visit #FOTPET"
"Join me in becoming a Founding Member of the Friends of the Pacific Electric Trail. Like their page /FriendsOfThePETrail and visit #FOTPET"
Tweet/post and tag your friends who use the trail and want to support your community recreational trail. You can use the sample text below"
"Join me in becoming a Founding Member of the Friends of the Pacific Electric Trail Follow .@FPtrail visit #FOTPET"
"Join me in becoming a Founding Member of the Friends of the Pacific Electric Trail. Like their page /FriendsOfThePETrail and visit #FOTPET"
What does my membership go towards?
Becoming a member supports the ongoing trail enhancements of your regional trail to continue making your experience on the trail enjoyable.
Trail amenities to enhance your experience on the trail such as rest areas, trail head access points, water stations, and much more. Your annual donation contributes to the fund raising efforts to bring this vision into reality.
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